Okay, this is getting ridiculous now. The charities will not quit sending me mailing labels! The problem is, I would love to support them all but I can only afford to support myself and my family at the moment. And it's a catch-22, because if I send a donation to just one of them, you know that an avalanche of mailing labels will come and make me feel even worse!

I also received this welcome note from my new dentist. It says: "We look forward to helping you meet your dental goals." I didn't even know I HAD dental goals! What are they? And what happens if I fail to meet them, even with their help? I can't bear the thought.
Then I got this postcard:

This freaks me out. How did they know I'm German? Yes my last name is Mellinger, but my maiden name is Smith, it's my mom's side that's German. This will keep me up tonight for sure.
Then to top it off I get a check from PG&E for $0.86--like that's going to make me feel better, I can't even go to the Dollar Tree with that!
I can't believe I'm longing for the good old days when the mailbox was full of credit card offers and Oriental Trading Company catalogs. Wait, that was yesterday. Maybe tomorrow I'll get a shampoo sample! I can hope anyway.