Monday, April 10, 2006

Just waiting now...

So my house has been on the market for a week. We have had 2 open houses and several showings, all of which require us to be gone from the house, often with very little notice. So for a week I have been on a heightened state of alert, making sure the house stays clean and buyer-ready. I am totally worn out from this. Not that it's that much work, but the mental toll is huge. What I have to figure out is how to keep the house clean without getting all stressed out. I know! Would anybody like 2 children to live at their house for a while? They're good kids, they're just MESSY!!!
Actually, they are getting better at keeping things picked up. So am I. I am fervently hoping that this is a habit that will carry over to the new house. OK, off to do laundry now!

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