The Lone Cypress is in Pebble Beach, a gated community that if I, a lifetime resident of here, want to get in to, I have to pay $8.50 like the rest of the tourists or on a Saturday I could lie and say I'm going to a yard sale so the guard will wave me through. I never go to Pebble Beach. It's for tourists, rich people and golfers, and I am none of those things. I never go to Carmel either. Not even to the beach.

Look for future posts with pictures of stuff that I am actually going to miss. One thing I will really miss is the Feast of Lanterns. It's hard to explain what it is, it's a hokey little pageant that takes place in Pacific Grove in July, but I love it.
P.S. I just went to the Feast of Lanterns website, they have a photo album, and Leo and I are in the background of one of the pictures, how funny!
Nice photo from Pebble Beach!
not mine, I got it off the internet! thanks to whoever took it
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