I'm not sure how to begin writing this one. It has to do with my thoughts and feelings on, of all things, boyfriends. So here goes.
I think I would like to have a boyfriend for several reasons. One is that I would like to go out to dinner or to a movie without my kids for a change. I am tired of seeing preteen movies or the Jackass movie. I would like to go to adult places with an adult.
Another good reason to have a boyfriend is that they are better at feigning interest about whatever it is I have to say than my kids are.
Also, boyfriends are good to have around part time. I have children to raise and a full time job and cannot spend a bunch of time every day tending to a relationship.
I realize that a lot of men my age would rather persue girls who are half my age and half my size and that lowers my chances of having a boyfriend to practically nil. So I guess it's a good thing that I don't need a boyfriend, I just want one.
So, if you want to go to the movies and dinner once in a while, and if you have a life of your own (I said Life not Wife) and if you want to laugh alot, then you can apply to be my boyfriend! I promise to pretend to be interested about your day. Here is my spam email address: spokarla@yahoo.com Tell your friends!
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