Friday, January 13, 2006

Moving Suckiness

this post is going to be all over the place because I just woke up and my head hurts.
The logistics of planning an across 3 states move is daunting to say the least. Not only am I trying to plan my move, but I also have to coordinate with the roommates, one of which has tentative plans to move to Spokane also. Every day I try to fill at least 3 boxes with stuff. Yesterday was particularly crazy. The kitchen floor finally went in on Wednesday after over 3 months of chaos, it looks very nice. This meant that we could now move all the pantry cupboards back in there. For some strange reason I thought that moving the kitchen stuff out of the living room would make the living room roomier, but instead it looks like an explosion at the junk factory. So my goal for today, in between volunteering at Leo's school and going to Bible Study tonight, is to unplug the dam of crap that is my living room and get the river of crap flowing freely again out my front door. At least the coffee is kicking in and my head doesn't hurt so bad now. Oh yeah, I forgot that somehow the dishes and laundry need doing today too. Calgon, take me away!
OK I'm done. thanks for letting me whine, you're the best.
In other news, last night I read my new future neighbor Faythe's blog. I went back into the archives and read practically the whole thing. No I am not some crazy stalker who is trying to get inside her head. I was looking for information on Spokane, and I found some great nuggets, like now I know where to get my hair cut & colored. (I fell off the silver wagon and caved, I am now auburn again) Also I have a line on a great Italian deli where they sell fresh pasta, cheese, bread, etc. AND Max was very happy to learn that the local KFC has an all you can eat deal. I found out that there is an awesome hiking trail just a few blocks from my house, and I am very excited about actually experiencing all these things myself.
I also talked to a real estate broker yesterday. It became very apparent that I really don't know squat about real estate and that it would be good to let this broker gal handle everything. She is extremely helpful and informative and I am confident that I will be able to sell my house with her help.
OK, gotta go, busy busy!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...


When you hit town be sure to let us know. I'd love to have you join our supper club and I'm sure Faythe would be thrilled too.

Good luck!