Sunday, January 22, 2006

I will miss the Boardwalk

I only go about once a year, but still. As a reward to Leo for being so helpful in getting the house ready to show yesterday, we went to Santa Cruz Boardwalk today. I cut church even. We played mini golf at Neptunes Kingdom, then had some lunch and finally went to the giant arcade with all the old pinball machines and Skee Ball. We had fun, just me and him, no Max. What a sweet child Leo is when his brother is not there to bug him, and vice versa.


Emily Suess said...

Hi. I found your blog by clicking that "next blog" button up there at the top of the screen. I'm always searching for good reads. Anyway, I just wanted to say that strip of photos is worthy of an extra-huge smile. :)

Faythe said...

Karla, when you come up in March I would be happy to meet you for coffee. Just let me know when you'll be available!