Monday, November 06, 2006

I Am Becoming My Grandma!

So I am taking a knitting class and so far I have learned how to knit and purl and I have learned 2 types of increase stitches and 2 types of decrease stitches. Next time is the last class and my instructor is going to get me started on a pair of slippers. The pattern that I will be working is almost identical to the slippers that my grandma used to make for all of us. My grandma was a very prolific needleworker. My whole family each had a granny square bedspread, also slippers, hats, baby blankets, washcloths, you name it. I even had the traumatic experience of having to wear the purple crocheted bell bottoms and vest she made for me to school in the 5th grade. She also was a bit of an artist, and handmade us all birthday and christmas cards for years. She had a dry sense of humor and enjoyed life. She was a little old German lady and I used to send her cards in the mail that I had bought from the German delicatessen. The cards were in German and I didn't know what they said but if they were pretty I would send them to her. One day she called me up and said thank you for the lovely card, but I'm not having a baby. We laughed about that one for a while. Another time when she was about 85 or so I asked her why she didn't get a boyfriend and she said that men her age require too much care, and that she didn't want to have to take her boyfriend's thing out of his pants with a pair of sugar tongs just so he could go pee. I bought her some sugar tongs, but she never did get a boyfriend.

My grandma, Erna Rupp, and me on my 21st birthday. She died when she was 92 and I was 25.


I started this post because of the slippers I will be making that are like the ones my grandma made, but I ended up rambling about how fun she was, and I realize that I would love to end up like her in other ways besides slippers. But slippers are a good start I think.


Faythe said...

Your grandma sounds like she was one very cool lady. Yay for more stitches! When are we going to get together and do some serious (Although I don't know how much serious knitting I'll be able to do if I'm talking. I'm not sure I can knit and talk at the same time yet.)knitting? I've got the time now.

Anonymous said...

Karla, That photo sure brought back memories! I loved that wonderful lady, she was perfect in every respect. Hope all is well with you and the boys. Dianna