Friday, November 02, 2007

What-EVER! I Knit What I Want!

South Park fans may recognize the title of this post, changed ever so slightly.

So anyway-

I have a knitting blog but I don't post on it anymore especially since I got in to Ravelry. So I will make my confession here.

I have been cheating.

A while ago, well, quite a while ago, I told the boys that I would knit them each a pair of slippers. I started with Leo. I asked him what color he wanted his slipper to be and he said red. ARRRRGGGGH!! I hate red! But they are his slippers, so red it was. I got one slipper knitted but not seamed together.

I started the other one but I am not very far along. So a lot of time has passed and now it is almost winter and Leo wants his slippers. I tell him that I am working on them, which I am, just hardly ever, that is the part I leave out. Meanwhile, I have been working on (and finishing) other projects that I like better.

A scarf for myself:

And these awesome wrist warmers, also for myself:

By now Leo is pretty irritated with me, so when I knit in his presence, I work on his slipper, but during my lunch hour at work:

I am knitting this cute hat for, you guessed it, me!

I am cheating on Leo's slipper with a hat!

I feel so much better for having confessed. Leo is sleeping over at a friend's house tonight -- I hear my hat calling...

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