Friday, April 27, 2007

I Love My Neighborhood, Spring Edition

I know I have said it before, and with each change of the seasons I realize it again. I just had the most lovely walk. Tulips are everywhere! I never had luck with tulips in California, the winter was not cold enough to make the tulips do whatever they have to do to bloom. But here, there was hardly a house I walked past that didn't have at least one if not many tulips of every color you can imagine, yellow and red, pink, purple, orange and everything in between. Come fall you can be sure I will be planting lots and lots of tulip bulbs! Other things in bloom were grape hyacinths, daffodils, and I saw the most awesome tree with giant pale pink flowers that smelled so good! I didn't think about getting pictures, this weekend I will try to take another walk, this time with my camera. I love Spring and I love my neighborhood!

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