Thursday, June 22, 2006

A Lovely Day

Yesterday the boys and I went with Mike to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I don't really want to talk about the aquarium, although it was fun and I highly recommend for everyone to go. I just want to say how much I treasured having a day with my friend Mike, who I have known since kindergarten and is like a brother to me. It was a beautiful warm day here yesterday, which is not the norm here for June, it's usually foggy. And being at the Aquarium with all the tourists, well it just makes a local glad that they live here in this paradise. For two more days anyway.

Today I sign the final papers to transfer the house, tonight is the last Bunco, tomorrow is the final pack up, tomorrow night is the last Bible Study, then we go. I have been so looking forward to moving but this week I find myself just looking back all the time. Us leaving has been hard on my family and friends and now it's time to admit that it is hard on me too. These next couple of days are going to be rough, I will need to keep a tissue box with me at all times I'm sure, starting right now.

So this is the last post from Monterey, I'm shutting down the computer tomorrow, and the next time you hear from me I'll be in Spokane. This has been a nice place to grow up and live and raise my kids, but it's not the place I will miss so much as the people. I hope at least some of you will come up and visit us in Spokane, which is a great town too.

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